Miles Vilski

Miles VilskiAccording to Miles Vilski, "a charitable gift annuity is a win-win for both the taxpayer and the Museum." He created one. "Those of us who have repeatedly delighted in admiring, pondering, and studying these works of art have an obligation, as it were, to make sure that future generations have the same opportunity," he explained. In turn, Miles will receive tax-favored payments throughout his lifetime.

Why a charitable gift annuity?

There has existed a desire to preserve historical and artistic treasures for others throughout the history of Western civilization. Ptolemy I Soter, in the third century BCE, established a library in Alexandria, Egypt, to preserve a copy of everything written. Since the Middle Ages, those with wealth have amassed collections that reflect their interests and which have often become starting points for museums; the Norton Simon Museum (Pasadena, CA) and the Sir John Soane's Museum (London, England) are two such examples. The Milwaukee Art Museum itself is greatly indebted to Frederick Layton, Mrs. Harry L. Bradley, and several other collectors who have gifted works of art to its Collection. The acquisition and maintenance of artwork is expensive. That is why my wife and I decided to do our part to ensure that the Milwaukee Art Museum continues to thrive for many generations to come.

Who would benefit from making a contribution this way?

Anyone with savings who is nearing retirement and values the arts should add a Milwaukee Art Museum annuity to their portfolio. Not only does the Museum benefit, but also the donor receives lifelong payments that are partially exempt from taxes. And if the distributed funds are not needed, they can be gifted back. Given the low interest rates being offered by financial institutions, an annuity created today guarantees a higher rate.

To create your charitable gift annuity, contact Pam Coleman at 414-224-3248 or